【 UNITED SALON 鹿児島 】店舗は中心エリアの天文館電停より徒歩5分。照国表参道アーケード内です ▼

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2024年のラッキーカラー のひとつ。

2024年のラッキーカラーのひとつ である グリーン 。







MONTBLANC  1858  Iced Sea Automatic  Green               MB131450








・ISO 6425 規格に準拠した認定ダイバーズウォッチ
・モンブラン ラボラトリー 500 時間テスト



モンブランの本気度が感じられる ダイバーズウォッチ です。






下記商品の 1858 アイスシー  グレイシャーダイヤル  も忘れちゃいけない1本です。



→ こちらからグレーグレイシャーはお求めいただけます !


The Montblanc 1858 Iced Sea Automatic Date with gray glacier pattern dial gives the impression of looking into the depths of a glacier with all its minerals captured in time for millennia. Inspired by the Mer de Glace, this glacial texture was achieved using an almost-forgotten ancestral technique called gratté-boisé. The 41mm timepiece comes with a stainless steel interchangeable bracelet which can be quickly and easily switched for a black rubber strap with gray outline without the need to return to the boutique or the use of any tools. It is also adjustable on the wrist when wearing the watch for diving. The timepiece conforms to the ISO 6425 norm for scuba diving and comes with a water resistance of 300 meters and features luminescent markings for reading in low light.



The Montblanc 1858 Iced Sea Automatic Date with gray glacier pattern dial gives the impression of looking into the depths of a glacier with all its minerals captured in time for millennia. Inspired by the Mer de Glace, this glacial texture was achieved using an almost-forgotten ancestral technique called gratté-boisé. The 41mm timepiece comes with a stainless steel interchangeable bracelet which can be quickly and easily switched for a black rubber strap with gray outline without the need to return to the boutique or the use of any tools. It is also adjustable on the wrist when wearing the watch for diving. The timepiece conforms to the ISO 6425 norm for scuba diving and comes with a water resistance of 300 meters and features luminescent markings for reading in low light.





UNITED SALON 鹿児島 / 宝石時計よしなが は モンブラン の正規販売店です。
